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Interpreter Training Program (ITP)


ASL Interpreting by the Numbers


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Welcome to the Interpreting Training Program (ITP)!


There is a growing need in our community for those proficient in ASL, and potential careers include medical, legal, business, and school settings just to name a few. If you are interested in learning ASL, using it in your career, and interacting with the Deaf community, an Associate's Degree (AAS) or Certification from Collin College is an excellent way to start!


Taught by a team of Deaf professors and certified interpreters, the Collin College Interpreter Training Program offers a range of courses where students can start out with no knowledge of ASL and end with the knowledge and confidence to be successful in a variety of Interpreting settings. ​Program support includes extensive opportunities to interact with the Deaf community, internship opportunities, and unparalleled access to highly-qualified professional interpreters.​ In our programs, you will learn a variety of marketable skills and knowledge to be proficient such as:

  • Mastery in ASL and visual/gestural communication
  • Knowledge of ethical, responsible and conscientious practices of the field
  • Transliterating and Teaming
  • Understanding of Deaf culture and norms
  • Much more!




Our department has two pathways: 

Associate of Applied Science (AAS)

The Associate of Applied Science - Interpreter Training Program (ITP) prepares students to become the next generation of ASL Interpreters as a profession. 

Students here will learn the skills necessary to pass the state Board for Evaluation of Interpreters (BEI) exam at the Basic Level at a minimum to become entry-level ASL-English interpreters. At the end of the program, students have a high level of expressive and receptive skills in ASL, understanding of Deaf Culture, and knowledge of best practices in the field. 

This program is typically completed in 2 years and includes summers for a total of 6 semesters. This program requires completion of 65 credit hours of classes.

View Degree Plan!

Certificate in ASL Studies

The Certificate in ASL Studies provides students with a high level of ASL proficiency, an understanding of Deaf Culture, and rudimentary knowledge of interpreting skills.

This certificate may be appropriate for students planning to work in Deaf Education or just looking to become proficient in the language. This path prepares students planning to take the Texas Assessment of Sign Communication (TASC) (teachers of Deaf students) or the TASC-ASL (ASL teachers and bilingually certified teachers).

This program is typically completed in 4 semesters and includes summer classes. This certificate requires completion of 35 credit hours of classes.

View Certificate Plan!


Dr. Chaelle O'Quin

Associate Dean of Academic Affairs and Workforce Programs


P: (972) 881-5142

Plano Campus Suite B-189


Miriam Thompson

Interpreting Program Discipline Lead


Roxanne Arwood

Administrative Assistant, Academic Affairs


P: (972) 516-5001

Plano Campus Suite B-189



Additional Support


Students and members of the community may visit our dedicated ASL Lab which simulates the Deaf Culture environment for practice and assistance with their classes.

Learn More About the ASL Lab
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BEI Interpreter Certification

Visit the state website to learn more about the requirements of taking the Evaluation of Interpreters.

Learn More About the BEI
icon of a certificate

Community Organizations

There are a variety of ASL Interpreting organizations and agencies which Collin College is connected to enhance the student learning experience.

Find Organizations Related to Interpreting
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Find answers to commonly asked questions regarding the programs and their classes.

Find ITP Answers Here
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